What Is The Most Important Part Of Website Design?

When creating a new website for your business, you might think the images, colours or content are the most elements to consider.

When creating a new website for your business, you might think the images, colours or content are the most elements to consider. However, the truth is the most important part of a website design to get right is far simpler.

According to Gadget Headline, navigation is fundamental to a good-quality website, after all: “Your hard work isn’t worth anything if your users can’t find what they’re looking for.”

Being able to navigate easily through a website means users can find what they want, they are brought to product pages with ease, and are able to follow through with a call-to-action in a sleek and seamless way.

“It’s the path a user takes from the homepage to product pages, from one product page to another, and so on. It should guide users through the content and make it easy to find what they’re looking for,” the publication stated.

To make sure your navigation is good, it is important to understand what your visitors will be looking for and what they are most likely to click on first. You can then make it the first thing they see, and add links and tabs to other product pages from there.

The second most important thing when it comes to web design is how it looks. Businesses should make sure the site is appealing, is not content-dense and has a good combination of colours.

Making it stand out from the crowd will help visitors remember it and come back again. Indeed, Entrepeneur.com emphasised the importance of making a good first impression, as this “lays the groundwork for the entire experience”.

For web design in Lytham, get in touch today.

Daniel Hurst

Daniel Hurst

"Nothing beats good old fashioned customer service!"

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